Our bodies are so beautifully made, aren’t they? It’s truly amazing what our bodies can do to keep us healthy when we support out immune system! That’s why I can’t wait to share with you this high antioxidant elderberry and wolfberry super syrup recipe.
Think of our bodies like a car. We need fuel to run but we also create pollutants in burning that fuel. We need all the support we can get to clean up these pollutants…because garbage in garbage out as they say. When we choose not so great foods filled with pesticides and toxins with no nutritive value (let’s say tons of processed foods containing sugar) we create even more pollutants. And as we get older our engines don’t run as well either making it harder and harder to clean up this toxic mess in our bodies.
And what do these pollutants do? They damage our DNA and either kill off our cells or make mutant cancerous cells causing cancer and other degenerative disease. Only 40% of our DNA is set…the other 60% is under our control based on our LIFESTYLE choices – what put in and on our bodies.
Antioxidants help support this process! You know how they say – eat blueberries or pomegranate juice because it’s high in antioxidants? How do they even measure this antioxidant value of each food? With what’s called the ORAC scale. Blueberries have an ORAC score of 9621. Pretty high. Pomegranate is scored at 10500. Elderberries are even higher at 14697! This Norwegian study showed that flu patients who received elderberry syrup felt better about four days sooner than those who received a placebo. Wow. Guess what? Ningxia Wolfberries have an ORAC score of over 30,000! So super berries are super awesome at helping our bodies to overcome this damage and highly anti-aging.
I could go into a lot more detail but I know you are waiting for the recipe so I’ll get to the point. I don’t know if you like to know more about these things or if you have read enough…but if you do, you can do more research on all of this in this fantastic book, The Ningxia Wolfberry: The Ultimate Superfood.

Instant Pot Elderberry Wolfberry Antioxidant Super Syrup Recipe
- 1/2 cup organic dried elderberries – sambucus nigra
- 1/2 cup organic dried wolfberries
- 4 cups filtered water
- 1 cup raw honey
- 1 drop of Lemon Vitality Oil
- 1 drop of Orange Vitality Oil
- 1 drop of Thieves Vitality Oil
- 1 drop Copaiba Vitality Oil
This recipe yields 3 cups Elderberry Wolfberry Antioxidant Super Syrup and takes about 45 minutes to prep and make using an Instant Pot. You can also make this on the stove and that would take about 4 hours.
Add the wolfberries and elderberries and filtered water to your Instant Pot. Pop the top on, seal and cook for 7 minutes. Allow for the natural release method and wait for another 15 minutes to open the lid.
Strain the liquid out through a strainer into a glass pitcher (yield at this stage is around 4 cups of liquid). NOTE: do not throw out the strained berries…I have something you can do with them here…elderberry/wolfberry grain free bread!
Pour the strained liquid back into the Instant Pot and hit the Sauté button. The liquid will come to a roaring boil. Reduce down by half. This process should take about 15-20 minutes. The yield should be about 2 cups.
Pour out the liquid into a glass container and add in the raw honey. Mix together with the raw honey and stir until it is all incorporated. Yield should now be about 3 cups. Add the oils and stir to incorporate.
Pour into a bottle or jar and store in the fridge (will stay good for many months. To make it last longer replace half the honey with brandy instead).

Adults: Take 1 Tbsp per day during the winter cold and flu season.
Kids: take 1/2 tsp per day
Take every 2-3 hours when you need an extra boost!