I remember being taught growing up that WWIII would be an information / cyber war. That ended up being true. Look around – what do you see? A lot of information and none makes sense. It’s all out CONFUSION. Land of Confusion. Lots of lies yes but also lots of misinformation with truth mixed in.
You see being shadow banned the last few years has helped me to see a lot of new things. When your voice is suppressed online it makes it hard to know what is ok to speak out loud. It can impact your thoughts. The true impact of censorship though isn’t that it surpasses your right to free speech…it’s that it suppresses your right to access information. That is what censorship is really doing.
So thinking back…what got shadow banned first before political speech? Speech about what was healthy to eat if it didn’t match the official narrative of low fat/high sugar/no salt. That was happening for over a decade. I mean I couldn’t talk about butter or raw milk or the evils of sugar without getting attacked back in 2012! And the news reports on cholesterol and diabetes care were filled with propaganda that fit an official narrative. Then the speech about toxins was also suppressed. If you mentioned GMOs or pesticides as being bad – you got on a black list. That didn’t fit the narrative either. And don’t even get me started about vaccines. We all know now where that led.
Now in hindsight this all makes sense. Suppress the information about traditional food that’s healthy, natural remedies and toxins and you have suppressed the ability for people to FIND this vital information during a worldwide health crisis. They are only getting one side of the story. Pure and simple – it’s an information war. There are so many people out there that for years have been led astray simply because they didn’t see anything about how important various vitamins are in staying healthy or how various toxins suppress your body’s ability to defend itself. Or how about understanding both sides of the medical model – germ theory vs. terrain theory? That was suppressed to. Or about the microbiome? I once had a video DELETED from Facebook that was simply about probiotics. No joke.
But you can’t CANCEL THE TRUTH. People have an innate ability to see truth when it hits them. They may not realize it right away because when your gut/soul are telling you something is a LIE then you will feel anxious and agitated. But when you are hit with truth…if you don’t fight it…you will feel a sense of calm and peace about it. I mean at first you will want to vomit because the truth is never pretty…in fact in most cases the truth is very EXTREMELY UGLY. Like “wait so all these years I have been told that a low far/high carb/sugar diet will keep me thin and healthy only to be 50 pounds overweight and get diagnosed with diabetes for my efforts” ugly. Or “I thought these were safe and effective and now my kid has autism and won’t eat anything but gummy worms”. Or “all those years I thought my asthma was just genetics and would NEVER go away…turns out that was only partially true and not exactly as I had thought”.
The truth always dispels lies eventually. It just comes at people more slowly. So be patient and listen to your gut during this fog of confusion. Your gut will tell you what’s real and what’s fake. Pay attention to your intuition. Don’t think so hard about it. I was taught some tips on this. Ponder something and if it makes you super anxious and agitated right away (again don’t wait for your brain to get involved – this is your “gut brain” we are talking about here) then just say “that isn’t true and isn’t going to happen”. If you feel a sense of calm the first instance it enters your mind it is likely true (even if it’s the worst thing ever and does induce anger!) and be prepared to face that truth head on. Ask “what can I do now to prepare for this inevitability”?
Because honestly – so much has happened in the last year that our world will not look the same in the coming 18 months. And that’s the truth. But guess what? God is in control – not us. We can only be a vessel for truth. So don’t stop speaking truth. Now is the time to get LOUDER with it. God always wins but He needs our help.
It feels like an uphill battle to me. Like I can’t break through the noise. It’s overwhelming at times. But people flock to truth like a moth to a flame so I won’t give up. Ever. I’d rather be the one dying speaking truth than living a lie.