Recipes are great but I wanted to stop by today to share some healthy habit changes I have been putting in place to inspire you to make some changes not just to your diet but for yourself heart and mind. Without these changes, I would not have been able to focus some time to write this blog post!
Survival Mode – Time for a Change
As many of you who follow my blog closely and know me realize, I have spent the past 3 years pretty much in survival mode as I grew my blog and my ability to be free to leave my job and stay home with my daughter who just started kindergarten. To make time for my passion of sharing my real food and DIY beauty recipes with you, I had put my own personal well-being on the back burner. Unfortunately, this led to some very unhealthy habits!
I was staying up way too late, spending way too much time on my laptop and being sedentary, and not taking time for myself. I understand the error of my ways and am now taking the time to make some adjustments. I am in a place now where I can take a step back and survey what I have accomplished and my view is wonderful! So what have I been doing to remedy these unhealthy habits?
6 Healthy Habit Changes
1. Waking up at 5AM
5am?! How is this a healthy habit? Well, I am really a morning person and am the most productive in the morning. Over the past few years my bedtime has inched almost to midnight as I worked feverishly into the night because I didn’t have enough time during the day to get done what I needed to get done. But this always left me groggy in the morning. I function much better going to bed between 9-10PM.
I decided to try it and all I can say is that I feel so much better! No one is awake at 5AM and I am able to focus on getting things done like writing blog posts, etc.! Waking up at 5AM allows me to focus on my family when they wake up and I don’t feel like I have a million open threads. I highly recommend you try this!
2. Taking a Daily Walk
Because I am waking up earlier and getting loads of things crossed off my list before 7AM, I am able to then take a lovely 30-45 minute walk after I drop my daughter at kindergarten. I cannot believe it took me so long to do this. I love walking and could walk all day if I had the time!
I have been using this time to make some phone calls. I am an extrovert and while I can walk alone, it is always fun for me to walk and talk. So I use this time to catch up with friends in real life and have a real conversation. I is helping me develop deeper connections again which is a great habit to make and of course I am getting some exercise.
3. Boosting My Immune System
I always need to focus on immune boosting. I am doing this daily in 3 ways:
- Drinking Ningxia Red daily. What is Ningxia Red? It is probably one of the most nutrient dense drinks on the planet made from wolfberries grown in the Ningxia province in China. I have been drinking 2-4 ounces of Ningxia Red daily for about 4 months. You can get Ningxia Red as a member of Young Living.
- Taking cod liver daily. The great thing about Ningxia Red is that it is the perfect vehicle for me to take plain cod liver oil. I am taking my shot of Ningxia with my teaspoon of Cod Liver Oil to further boost my immune system.
- Diffusing Thieves essential oil daily. I make sure to diffuse Thieves essential oil to purify my household environment of yucky germs brought home from my daughter’s school.
4. Reading
Yes you read that right. I think a major healthy habit change for myself is to just read for pleasure. Not anything academic like my Weston A. Price quarterly journal or The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple (which is a fat manual on oils I have enjoyed!). Just a nice, fun, enjoyable read. It is amazing how much easier it is for me to fall asleep if I have been reading a good engrossing book right before bed versus sitting on my phone on Facebook.
Right now I am reading this amazing prehistoric series about the dawn of modern humans my mother sent to me. Talk about learning about true hunter gatherers. The amazing part about this book is that it is about a medicine woman. So I hear about all these amazing herbs she makes and how she identifies plants. Truly fascinating. It is an ancestral eater and healers paradise!
5. Dressing My Truth
After leaving my corporate job, I didn’t really feel myself in black, corporate gear. I needed to find my signature look. A look I felt comfortable in and that was distinctly ‘me’. I did some major soul searching and with the help of a program called Dressing Your Truth, I discovered I actually shouldn’t be wearing black at all and that I am much happier and confident wearing bright and fun hues like pink and turquoise as a ‘Type 1’ (learn more about the DYT Types)! I cannot even believe how much this small change has transformed my life much less my closet! Dressing Your Truth gave me permission to just be me and gave me the tools to know how to shop for my type of clothing. You can discover your type here for free.
6. Getting Happy
Since getting into Young Living essential oils, we have a joke in my home. We pretty much say ‘there’s an oil for that’ to basically any problem. So yes – there is an oil for getting HAPPY! 4 oils actually. We call this the ‘Happy Protocol’ and it truly has uplifted my spirits and it helps me to set a happy intention for my day. Who am I kidding? Applying these 4 oils make me want to dance. And so I do, often, with my daughter before school!
The ‘Happy’ Protocol
- 1 drop Valor essential oil on the wrists to align the body and spirit.
- 1 drop Joy essential oil over the heart and rubbed onto the ears (at the top)
- 1 drop Harmony essential oil on the solar plexus (the area over the navel)
- 1 drop White Angelica essential oil on the crown of the head (I drop it onto my head and rub in)
30 days makes it a habit right? Never Turning Back!
I am blessed to be making these changes and they are my new healthy habits! Do you do any of these yourself? Which one would you like to do?
Love it. I NEED to do the early morning walk after the kids are in daycare and I am going to do the NingXia Red challenge once I receive my 2 bottles. Thanks for being inspiring! 🙂
I roll out of bed between 5 and 5:30. Check email and then down to the treadmill. I generally do 4 miles in just over an hour, today it was 4 miles in 62.37 minutes. Once the 4th mile is hit, I am done. I also wear a FitBit One and try to complete 12,000 steps per day. (for anyone thinking about a FitBit, I highly recommend it…it gives you motivation.)