I just finished shooting a video for Dr. Oli Wenker's latest Global Online Essential Oils Symposium which I think will be starting next month. It was a super tough challenge to tackle but was really helpful for me to connect a lot of dots. The topic of my video talk? The simple ... Continue Reading
Personal Development
Your innate truth-o-meter
I remember being taught growing up that WWIII would be an information / cyber war. That ended up being true. Look around - what do you see? A lot of information and none makes sense. It's all out CONFUSION. Land of Confusion. Lots of lies yes but also lots of misinformation with ... Continue Reading
Releasing negative emotions to cast a vision
my beloved Sacred Mountain and Valor oil blends WOW is all I can say! Today has been a huge day! I am a big believer in being in FLOW and also in listening to my gut and being able to discern truth...so I believe everything has purpose and is happening FOR me not TO me. I ... Continue Reading
My birth story
I am finally getting a chance to sit down and write out my birth story before I forget it. Now I do have an almost 8 year old so I am acutely aware of how the best laid birth plans can sometimes not happen. How my birth went with my daughter is one of the reasons I waited so long ... Continue Reading
My first year as an entrepreneur
I have not been absolutely forthright with you and I am asking your forgiveness for that. I came across this JAW DROPPED quote yesterday and it made me realize I have been holding back on you. I do not suffer from the fear of success, however, I do suffer from the fear of the ... Continue Reading
Essential Oils of the Ancient Scripture: Cassia
DID YOU KNOW?! There are tons of references to essential oils in the BIBLE. I am posting about a few on here so you can follow along! All of the oils I am posting with a Gold label are a part of the Young Living Ancient Oils of the Scripture Kit CASSIA Well it ... Continue Reading