I recently posted how important it is to have a home water filter, so I am thrilled to be able to give away a Royal Berkey filter to one of my lucky readers this week!
If you are not familiar with Berkey water filters you will be pleased to learn that this type of filter removes pathogenic bacteria, cysts and parasites entirely and extracts harmful chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, VOCs, organic solvents, radon 222 and trihalomethanes. It also reduces nitrates, nitrites and unhealthy minerals, such as lead and mercury. This means that the Berkey Water Filter can be used to purify your city water (fluoride filter available) or your well water.
This system is SO powerful it can remove food coloring from water without removing the beneficial minerals your body needs.
Check out this video demonstrating how the Berkey works (they demo a Big Berkey – the Royal Berkey can filter a larger volume of water):
The water purification elements that come standard with the Royal Berkey have the ability to purify both treated water and untreated raw water from sources such as remote lakes, streams, stagnant ponds and questionable water supplies in foreign countries. This would be great for power outages as well!
Want one? I bet you do!
Enter for a Chance to Win a Royal Berkey
There are 3 easy steps to enter:
1. Click on the link below to visit the Berkey website. This is the mandatory entry. After you visit the link, just return to this article and complete steps 2 and 3.
(NOTE: If you can’t see the link above it’s because you have ad blocking software enabled or javascript disabled. Please disable your ad blocker or enable javascript to see the link.)
2. Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below to show you performed the mandatory entry of visiting the Berkey website.
3. You can earn extra entries for following Big Berkey on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest – and 5 extra entries for re-pinning this post on Pinterest and 5 extra entries for tweeting daily about this post on Twitter.
The giveaway is for the US only and will run from today through Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 11:59pm ET. The lucky winner will be selected by Random.org and announced no later than Wednesday, September 25, 2013.
Good luck!
Disclosure: cmp.ly/4 and cmp.ly/5
I love how long the filters last, and how they filter out all the bad stuff!
I clicked the link and watched the video. I’m especially impressed with the long life of the filter.
I like the idea of my water always being safe. The Berkey is the top of the line product.
I have wanted one for years now and just can’t afford it.
I totally agree. I need one, but cant afford it.
I would love this water filter! Excellent product.
This water filtration system is wonderful! I love that I can add a fluoride filter if I’d like!
I would love one of these! It seems like such a great product.
Yes please 🙂
I would love to know that the city water I’m drinking is pure and safe!
we need a water filter so badly! we live in the center of industrial ag.
Would love this!
I would love to have a Berkley so that I know that my family is drinking healthy water! I love how much they filter out and that I can add a fluoride filter!
I am a Berkey owner and spread the word daily about how much I love my royal berkey !!!! My best girlfriend’s bday is coming up and I would love, love, love to be able to give her a berkey!!!!!!
I’ve been researching water filters for my family!!!
i would love one of these! we are spending way too much $$ per month on water, but i don’t want to drink all the creepy stuff in our local water.
I would love to try a Birkey!
I love that I wouldn’t have to fill little pitchers all the time (we have filter pitchers), how nice the system looks and that it also filters out floride. It’s just a nice system all around. Would really love one.
What an amazing product! We have such hard water here where I live.
Thanks for the opportunity!
I clicked on the link. I would LOVE to win a Berkey water filter to be able to stop buying filtered water at the store. It would be a huge convenience and make using filtered water much more convenient for drinking and cooking. I love the concept of this product. Our city water is fairly disgusting; I can smell the chlorine and I want to remove the fluoride. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Would love to win one of these! =D
I would LOVE to win this water filter. I would be so thankful to be able to offer my family clean water that I can trust. I also love the fact that I can add a fluoride filter. Thanks!
Berkeys are amazing water filter systems. I definitely could use this!
I need some fluoride free water in my life!
I’d love to have a better filtration system. 🙂
clicked on the link and was impressed of how long the filter lasts. would love to win it!!!!!!!!!
Please Please!
My brita sucks i need one of these!
OMG, so excited about the giveaway. Our water was effected by the flooding in CO and so excited at the chance to get a new filter. The current one is just not enough and we still have to boil to make sure it’s safe.
I only have a pitcher filter now and hate that the chlorine that I still get even though it’s not as obvious after filtration. And the fluoride…
I like filtered water.
Yes please!!!!!!!!!
we’d use it for our big family get togethers!
need this!
Thank you for this giveaway! I have been looking to change water filters and this has come at the right time! 😀
We are on a small water system that is questionable in so many ways throughout the year. Would love to win a filter, we spend so much on buying clean drinking water and other filters for showers etc.
I have wanted buy a Berkey for so long. I would LOVE to win this. Thanks for all you do. I have learned so much.
What’s great about the Verney is how long the filters last.
“Water purifiers can give you the peace of mind you need to know your family is protected.” I think we can all agree with that–we all want peace of mind to know our families have the best chance at a safe, healthy, happy life.
On a completely vain note, I read that drinking purified water helps with your skin, and I am a mommy who breaks out the minute I eat or drink anything not-so-awesome for our health.
What a great giveaway! Thanks for offering this!
We currently have a R.O. system, so re-mineralization would be nice.
I love that it can be used on well water!
Would love to win this!
I need something that doesn’t take over the whole house! We are currently in a rental. We brought our whole home system that we installed in the last house, but I don’t want to go through cutting into the plumbing of someone else’s home since it has to go through the wall and is a somewhat costly installation!
I want the royal Berkey because it is the perfect size for my family and I love that I can filter out flouride with it!
Would love to donate this to an aid organization! We have missionaries in our family and they use theirs daily in South America. We have a Berkey already in our home and love it, what a great product!
This is what we have been looking for to filter our questionable well water! Thanks for the info & the chance to win 🙂
I would love a water filter system to add to my new Real Food lifestyle!
Looks like a great product! I hope to win it to add to my continuing progression of getting rid of toxins and eating more real food in mine and my family’s life!
Have been eyeing one of these for a long time. Maybe I’ll win one for my birthday!!
I have researched water filters for a while and this one seems to be the best one out there. I would really love to win it.
I would love to win a filter system for my family !!!
I clicked the link and I would love to win one to have the peace of mine that my family is drinking good quality water!
I have admired these water filters for a number of years and wanted one but didn’t really think I could afford one at the time. The website and video give great information and reinforce my belief in how great these are!
Boy, this would save a lot of money… And waste
I have contemplating getting a Berkey for a while. Would be great to win one!
the feature i love is clean water!!
Would love to own this!
My boyfriend and I are in the process of trying to figure out which water filtration system to buy and there is just so much information to look through!! By and far though, the consensus is Berkey is the best. I would love to win this!!
A friend of mine has a Berkey. I have wanted one for ages. It does a great job, the water is great. I have well water, which has good flavor but would like to filter it. Thanks for the contest!
I would love one of these for my family. It sounds amazing!
I did not know much about these filters until I saw your post. After visiting the website I would love to win one. my favorite features are the long lasting filters and the fact that it does not use electricity!
Started checking out water filtration systems when our city started talking about fluoridating our drinking water. Berkley is the best, hands down.
Thank you for all the wonderful info you share! Its a true blessing for me and my family!
I’d love to stop hauling so many gallons every week!
Hope I win!
Would love to get a great water filter for my family.
They add fluoride to our water supply, so I have been looking for an affordable water filter and I have heard good things about Berkey. Would love to win!!!!
I would love to have good clean water to drink and cook with at home!
Berkey Rocks! Fingers crossed!
I have a water filter system. This would be an awesome gift to give to my daughter. She bought a new townhome. THANK YOU
I have wanted one of these for a long time! (Long enough to have saved up the money, really ::blush::). I really want to stop giving my kids fluoridated town water!
If I don’t win it, I’m going to buy one!!
I would love to give this to my sister! I have one and I LOVE IT!
I would like to try this!
very cool
I have always heart the Berkey is the best water filter by far!!
Been wanting one of these for awhile now!
I would LOVE this!
I would love a water filter system. Where we live we cant drink our water the well has a problem. We have to gather our water from a nearby spring which this time of the year drys up. A water filter system would be SUCH a blessing to have.
This would be a HUGE blessing to our family as we’ve been working for 2 years to heal our childrens’ guts and be able to bring back all the real food we’ve had to eliminate. Having a high-quality water filter would make a big difference in our healing process! thanks for the contest 🙂
I’d love this filter to have peace of mind about knowing what’s in my water & to NOT have those nasties in my water!
We’re moving to Ecuador next year, and I love the fact that Berkeys remove harmful bacteria and parasites (so we wouldn’t have to rely on bottled water). I also love the fact that they can remove fluoride (for Stateside use).
I love that you can get fluoride filters 🙂
You need a filter for everything now days
I’ve wanted a Berkey for so long I just keep putting it off so it would be amazing to finally get one.
I was starting to look into water filters but wasn’t ready to buy on If I could win one that would be great!
Would love to win this. We’ve been looking at Berkey filters for awhile but coudn’t afford it.
This is the EXACT Berkey that we have sitting in our shopping cart on Amazon right now! We’re just waiting until the next paycheck to make sure we can afford it. Probably doesn’t put the balance in my favor (not that anyone is judging), but even if I don’t win it here, we’re going to be buying it on our own.
I really like the size, that its portable but still holds a good amount of water. I have wanted one of these systems for awhile!
We live SO close to fracking…this would be a Godsend.
The fact that it filters out SO much of the horrible things that so many other filters miss, makes me want it all the more! Since I first saw one at a friend’s house 6 years ago, I have been kinda sorta been coveting one! 🙂
I love that the Berkley has filters that remove fluoride. Those are not easily found. Living in apartments, I would really love this as it’s not really feasible for me to install whole water system filters.
This is an awesome filter system! I love that it filters out more than any other but still leaves the good minerals!
I’ve been wanting one of these for a year, but haven’t had any money in the budget for it! It’s good to see all the good reviews in the comments, too!
I have been looking for a high quality water filtration system and this one looks great!!
Wow, that is a really awesome filter system!
I keep coming back to this one in my research. This fluoride issue is making me crazy and this seems to be one of the only ways to get around it.
I look forward to hopefully winning this filter for my home.
I have a small one, but a larger one would be more practical.
We currently have hard water where we live, and the filter we need is very expensive. Thus the purchase of bottled water often. This would save SOOO much money and help us reduce waste with all the empty water jugs.
I want to win because we need healthier water to drink.
The feature that I love the most is the simplicity of it even though it is very capable of filtering water.
Right now all we have is a Britta pitcher for filtering water. I would like something that does more and can be used on a larger scale.
So would be nice to win this!!! awesome product
My mom has a berkey..I have been jealous…and don’t have the money to run out and get one at the moment. A Berkey is something I need to continue on my path to healthy self sufficient living!!
Sounds like a great product! As a tap water drinker I need to do something soon.
We so need one of these! Our water is terrible!
Awesome giveaway! We buy a lot of water in AZ 🙂
awesome giveaway!
I really like that Berkeys are portable if need be, and they’ve got the best filtration on the market!
Looks awesome! We are actually shopping for a filter now!
I love the Berkey! I want to win one for my sister and her family. The best feature? That you can clean the filters yourself.
Would just love to have a good water filtration system instead of the cheap fix we have now…
I learned that 1 gallon of Berkey water costs you just 1.7 cents! This would help our home so much!
Moving back to the us and will need a new filter, since we won’t have a permanent house for some time these look perfect.
This filter is amazing! I would love to have one. The city water here is HORRIBLE!
Clicked the link, would love a filter!
Wow! What a great giveaway! We are drinking city water, and I don’t want to know what is in there…can’t wait to get a water filter. Thanks!
I would love to win this for my sister. Their water is foul. Right now they buy filtered bottle water. Thanks. Angela
I am sick of buying the little filters for my sink that dont last very long.
I love how much the Berkey holds.
I have been reading and researching berkeys for a few years now. I would be thrilled to win!
My eyes lit up when I saw this comp as I have wanted one of these for years! Awesome prize!!
I would LOVE to win this!
We have a treated public well which means who knows what is in our water. Since water is our beverage of choice a filter would be a lifesaver.
We’ve been thinking about a reverse osmosis system, but the Berkey looks like a much better option!
I am so excited about the fact that this filters out floride. I have always filtered our drinking water, but I have always been concerned that the floride was still present. As we make huge strides toward taking control of our health, this is a very exciting step in that direction.
I would love to have a Royal Berkey!
Yet another awesome giveaway! I would love to win a Berkey!!!
Been hoping to get one of these for a long time…fingers crossed!
I’ve been looking at the Berkey and would LOVE owning one
I love how it can filter tap water…or lake water! So multi-functional. This is the only water filter I have actually wanted…the other ones just seem too annoying for their functionality!
I have been dying to get a Berkey Water Filter for my household! Right now we’re just using a Brita Filter… I love that the Berkey removes all the nasties (fluoride too!) without removing the minerals that we so desperately need!
Best filtration system! Portable is awesome and cleaning your own filters sounds great also! Would love that for our home!
oh it’s for U.S only ….boo 🙁
I love that the Berkley Water filter system has the ability to remove fluoride. As a mom with children, providing the healthiest water possible to my children is super important to me. It’s also important while pregnant to try to remove as many toxins as possible from my life. I love the Berkley Water Filter system…just wish we could afford one for our house.
Thank you for your consideration,
I would love to have one of these 🙂
I love the long lasting filter, that it removes chlorine, fluoride reduction and will not remove the minerals we need. No more bottle water would be a dream come true. Thank you for the giveaway but most of all thank you for the information you share.
would not have to keep changing pitcher filters. also would have enough filtered water to cook pasta.
I clicked the link and watched the video. I LOVE that it leaves in all the minerals while taking out the bad stuff; I worry about our RO system for that reason.
I love the versatility of being able to take the Berkey with you when visiting other countries. It would be great for camping too!
I LOVE this giveaway!!! I have been contemplating this item for months and would be so incredibly grateful to win! 🙂
We are moving and we will have city water. I would love one of these to clean up our drinking water.
Would love to have this filter. Drinking water is so important for your health.
I clicked the link. I’d love this water filter to take with us when we travel in our RV. It’s hard to know what kind of water we’re getting, so this would give us some peace of mind.
Been wanting one for a while now
I’d love to win a Royal Berkey for our family. We are in desperate need of a water filter as our municipal water tastes terrible and has very high levels of chlorine. I’ve been researching water treatment options and would love a Berkey because it’s something we could take with us when we move (we probably will be moving in the next year or so), so it’s a much better option for us. I love that it is stainless steel (no plastic leaching to worry about) and that it can be used in emergencies when the power goes out, among the many other positive filtration reasons.
With more reports of Naegleria Fowleri in muni water supplies plus increased pesticide and herbicide use around us I want to the peace of mind knowing I am giving my kiddos the cleanest water possible.
Benn wanting one of these!
I would love to win the Berkey Water Filter because it would give me peace of mind about the quality of the water we use for drinking and cooking. And it would make it easier and simpler to have good water for fermenting.
I love the quality of the Berkey water filters and think clean water is essential to our health!!
My husband is a huge proponent of drinking a lot of water throughout the day. We have a Berkey water system in our home, and my husband fills the Berkey every day, and then fills a “Bubba” water carrier with Berkey water for work each day. I know that he would LOVE to just have a Berkey at his work–and not only for himself, but for everyone he works with. He is constantly spreading the word about Berkey and even shares his water with co-workers. HE LOVES the Berkey (how could you not, honestly?! The thing is awesome!)
I want one because you don’t need electricity to run it. I like the fact that it gets even pond water clean enough to drink.
I would love one of these filters!
My naturopath suggested I purchase a Berkey. I would love to have one so that my family can have safe drinking water. I live in a city that is ranked in the top 5 for worst water quality in the nation. Unfortunately the price keeps me from getting one. Tryig to save up!
Would love to have one of these. Didn’t realize they were so long lasting!!
It would be wonderful to have our water filtered by this amazing machine!
Thank you for opportunity to try!
I have always wanted a Berkey water filtration system! I loved what one customer said as a review on the webpage about being forced to drink fluoride and how can it be controlled between a 10 pound baby and an adult.
I LOVE Berkey filter systems. We’ve had the clear berkey for many years, but would love to be able to filter more water daily.
I want to win one because our water is gross! I love how small they are and how nice they look!
I’m pressed with the life of the filters.
Awesome giveaway…been wanting one of these forever.
I am amazed how long those filters last! What an amazing system. Please enter me into the drawing. Thank you!
I love that you can get a fluoride filter too. The kids’ pediatrician has been pushing us to use fluoride free water. I also like that is doesn’t have to be plugged, one less energy draining device is always good.
With a Berkey I would feel much more confident about my drinking water. I like this fluoride reduction feature: Berkey water filter systems also distinguish themselves from many other filtration systems by having the capabilities to significantly reduce fluoride and arsenic via the “PF” line of filters.
I would love to win a Berkey water filter system because we have county water with floride in it and who knows what….I would love to have safe drinking water.
I have been wanting a Berkey for a long time…
I clicked on the link above and would LOVE to win this filter! I like everything about it but especially that it has a flouride filter available. My mom has well water where she lives and brings me gallons whenever she visits so she would appreciate me winning this as well! lol
Would LOVE this! Our little city has awful water!
I want a Berkey because it has the option for fluoride filters. Since our water here in Dallas is treated with fluoride, I want it out!
Wow this would be so great to have! I’ve been researching options for home-based water filters. I haven’t come across this one but I’m so glad I did, it looks super!
I love that I could use it with my well! I always wish we could filter it just to be safe, but Brita filters just get expensive and creates too much trash!
Love how long the filters last. Would love to have this to not worry about the water my young sons drink. Thanks for the chance!
Would love a Berkey! Our municipal water tastes salty and awful.
I would LOVE to win this for my family!!! We’ve been using the same old Brita pitcher for years now and have been looking for something better. This is MUCH better!
I have been reading about the links between fluoride, aluminum and Alzheimer’s. Would love to have one of these filters!
Love that you can get fluoride filters for this!! Also love that you can pretty much take it anywhere with you!! Need one of these so bad!! Thanks for the opportunity!!
love that it removes fluoride!
I clicked on the link. I’d love to win so I can be sure I’m drinking good, clean water. I really like how this filter can be used with both treated and untreated water.
We have iron in our water, so a Berkey system would be wonderful.
I love how they filter out fluoride! I’ve been wanting a Berkey filter for so long! This would be so great for our family, knowing that we are getting safe and clean water. Thanks for the contest. Can’t wait to see if we win!
great giveaway!
I would love to win one of these! We drink water like it’s going out of style at our home and the fridge filter just can’t keep up.
2nd re: I have researched these filters and am impressed…great asset for any family to own!..nothing more important than clean water!…
Thanks for hosting this giveaway! Berkeys are my favorite filtration and purification system. I would love to win and give the unit to a family who cannot afford one.
Would love to win this. I have been looking at these filters for about a year now. It is on my wish list.
I’ve been wanting one of these for years! Would love to get rid of the chlorine and fluoride in our water.
The Berkey is the top of the line product.
I have wanted one for years now.
Having well water it would be great to know my water is even safer having one.
This berkey is on the top of my wish list
Great giveaway! I’d love to win to eliminate Flouride from my water!
visited the site as required — hoping to win because of “stuff” floating in our tap water — want to filter it out.
Would love to give my parents one!
Would love to win this!
It’s amazing how long the filters last. I’m so tired of replacing our fridge filter…and the expense of the replacements. I don’t even know if it is getting all the bad stuff out like the Berkey does.
Sometimes, you just forget the stuff water has in it. Yuck!
I have tried many different water filters and have not been completely happy with any of them due to either their price, functions, impurity removal (or lack thereof). I came across the Berkey system but could not afford it being a single mom. I would LOVE to win this!
We live in town and our water is so loaded with chlorine that I have to add lemon juice to it just so we can all drink it. I like the fact that this system will remove the harmful impurities while still leaving all of the beneficial nutrients. My husband and I have always wanted a water purification system but have been unable to afford one. It has always seemed like all of the filters required for a water purification system would be too much to handle. The Berkey water filters would eliminate that worry. It is amazing how much water they can filter before needing replacement filters!
Im learning more and more about how important it is to have “clean” bath ans bower water as well as drinking. I recently did the 23andme test and I can hugely benefit from this water filter due to some mutated genes I need to help balance. I’ve been trying to save up for a whole house filter. What a blessing I were to win this!
Praying I win! I need one for the apartment we are moving into next month!! 🙂
How great it would be to have clean water! Really…..
It would be wonderful to know that our water is safe to drink and that the Big Berkey would be perfect for that reason.
definitely need a new filter here so this would be great!
Been wanting one for a longgggg time!
Thank you for the offering this giveaway! Clean, fresh water will be worth more than money in the bank in a disaster. Whom ever wins this will be blessed.
Clicked and watched! I would like to win because our water quality here is not great. And several times a year when they chlorinate the water in the reservoir to kill all of the algae, you can taste it in the tap water. It is really gross. I love that it is portable and cost effective too!
Oooooh – I’d LOVE to win one of these!!!! I’ve been wanting one of these for a while now! Thank you for having this contest 🙂
Looks like a great system!
I love that you can get a fluoride filter for the Berkey. I’ve heard so many good things, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have the piece of mind that I am giving my kids clean pure water.
Our city still fluoridates the water. I hate to even cook with tap water, never mind drink it! I love the fluoride filters!
Karen U
it’s amazing how long the filters last. I’m so tired of replacing our fridge filter…and the expense of the replacements. I don’t even know if it is getting all the bad stuff out like the Berkey does. I am a big juicer so natural filtered water is very important to me and my family.
Team Jontry
It would be an amazing blessing to win this filtration system!
We have well water and I prefer the taste of it to even bottled water. However, the video has for me to thinking about the purity of our water. Thank you for posting this information.
Clicked! I love that it remove bacteria and harmful chemicals from water without removing beneficial minerals!
Our water is AWFUL where we are! I have been eyeing the Berkey Water Filter ever since reading about it through Homemade Mommy! Would LOVE it for our family!! Thank you!
I would love to have one of these!!
I LOVE that the Berkey is portable and that it does such a fabulous job of purifying our water!
I have wanted one of these FOREVER! After finding out my city water is in the top 10 worst in the country I cringe at drinking it EVER. This filter looks amazing and would save money and resources compared to bottled.
Been looking at one of these for a while now. I’d take it off your hands!
Oh gosh. I’ve wanted a Berkey for a long time. Just hasn’t been in the budget yet!
This is the best part…Due to the fact that the Berkey water filters do not require electricity and are portable, they become a lifesaver during times of flooding, loss of electricity, and other life threatening emergencies.
I have never heard of the Berkey water purification system before, so this was enlightening. We have water from Lake Michigan which is touted to be desirable, but the treatment plants have to use so much chlorine to clean it all up that I think it is pretty bad. It would be wonderful to remove that and all the helpful fluoride that I don’t want or need. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love how it leaves the minerals we need in the water, I want it to give my family the best!
I have been wanting a Berkey for years!!
I have researched the Berkey Water Systems and know that one of them is the right unit for my family! I haven’t decided which one but to win one would be the absolute BEST! There is so much garbage in our water even though we live in the mountains of TN, I was shocked to learn of all the chemicals used! Thank you for this chance to win a Berkey!
I can’t believe how long those filters last and how much crud they can filter out!
Like knowing i have clean water to drink. having a filter which truly lasts is so worthwhile! sustainability is the word for Berkey Water Filter Systems!!!
I clicked the link. I’ve been wanting one for awhile, especially since moving where we’re at now. I had decided that if I wasn’t able to get one by the end of the year, I will be ordering 1 near the new year. Funny, the Royal is the one I think is perfect for our family. It’s the right size.
I would love to win this just food the health and safety of my family.
We live in a rural area and we have so much sediment in our well water that it make me sick to drink it.
We had to hook up to a local water system and we still have to filter our water to drink.
I’ve wanted a Berkey for a long time but can’t afford one. They’re amazing and I’d love to own one!
Love all that it filters and all of the recommendations it has.
I live in Chicago and it’s not uncommon to need to let the tap run a bit to get the slightly yellow color (presumably from rust in the old pipes) to disappear. I’ve tried a faucet water filter but it doesn’t fit on the old faucets in my place. This water filter would be such a lifesaver! I always worry about what’s in our drinking water…
The most important thing for me is that it removes the flouride,I would love to win I used a cheap filter that dosent remove flouride
I would love this!!!
I would love to have a Berkey. I love the flouride features the most but just having good clean water for my family, especially my kids is so important!
I live in South Texas and the water here is extremely hard and has a lot of minerals I don’t really want. This would help a lot.
You are so generous Homemade Mommy! This is healthy and classy-looking. I would love to win!
I like that the filters do not require electricity and they are excellent at filtering both city water and raw water sources. I have a well, but worry about the chemicals from the farmers’ fields around our house leaching into the ground water.
This is so exciting — I would love a quality water filter for our home! Thank you for the great giveaway!
I clicked the link! And we’ve wanted a Berkey for quite some time. We just don’t have other access to filtered water, and we have no idea what’s lurking in what we drink. We have a toddler and are especially worried about what she is ingesting. Would love to win this.
I need this!
I would LOVE to win this!!
I clicked on the link. Why would I LOVE a Berkey? We have city water…enough said.
I would love to protect my family with a Berkey Water Filter. Thanks for the chance!
I have really been wanting to get one of these!
I read the info about the filter system. We have horrible water, would love to try this
Thanks for the great giveaway. Would love to win this!
How exciting to have a chance to win something that will help my family be healthier, thanks !
Clicked link, we have been drinking city water I would love to make it safer for my family! Also like that you can add a fluoride filter.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway- good water is SO important! Thank you. =)
I really want win these, its see easy to use!
This win would help our family’s health for sure.
I live across the street from a farm. They spray chemicals on the fields throughout the growing season. When I asked what they are spraying they refuse to tell me. I have well water and I am concerned with what is leaching into our drinking water. This system sounds like a dream come true…
Good luck to me 🙂 and everyone else too!
I want the Berkey because I want to make sure my family is getting the best water possible with no chemicals in it!
Would love to win this. I use a PUR because it is what I can afford
I would love to have one to remove the yucky taste in our tap water & to be secure in our drinkable water during storms. (If the power goes out we are to assume the water is not safe to drink until told otherwise.)
Watched video. The Berkey is just what you need especially in case of a natural disaster. We have well water and have several filters on it, but one is never sure if the filers are doing their job. This looks like a perfect answer to water questions.
I want to win the Berkley warer filter system so that my children have healthy water to drink. Right now we get water from the machines outside convienence stores, and I always wonder about the quality of it. The feature I love the most is that it removes nitrates, which my 2-year old daughter is very allergic to!
This is the purest water I can find and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!! I’ve used a Brita for years but the water never tastes pure.
Please pick me:)
Water filters are essential
WOW……where have you guys been all my life? I could really use one of these wonderful filter systems. I can’t believe how long the filters last too!!!! I’m excited to see who wins. Luck to us all.
I have been interested in this filter…I know with all that is in our water it is so important!
Like many others, our water is awful! Would love one with the fluoride filter! It makes me crazy that that poison is in our water!
I want clean, crisp water.
Would love to have fresh clean water with this awesome filter!
I so appreciate the quality of the Berkey Filters, not to mention their appearance. But the filtering capabilities are the absolutely most important feature.
Berkey filters are awesome. We have one water bottle right now, comes in handy when we travel. Would love to have one of the big filter systems.
I have been wanting a Berkey filter for some time, because I would like the peace of mind knowing that the water my family drinks is safe. I like that Berkey filters out fluoride.
Winning this would be fabulous! Especially since I know how important a good water system is when it comes to health.
I would love one of these! Sounds like this is the best one out there!
This is so exciting, I would LOVE to win a Berkey water filters!
I have been getting rid of all the toxins in my life could use one of these
Fresh clean water sounds so good.
I would love to have a this kind of filter in my home. It’s a great way to keep healthy and eliminate all those bad chemicals for your body.
How do you pick one thing to love most? The number of things it filters, the option to add a fluoride filter, how long filters last….we desperately want one but just can’t afford it! Fingers crossed…..
It does not need electricity so we can use when we go bow hunting for caribou or when we fly out to the homestead.
I clicked on the link and have wanted a Berkey for a long time to get the benefits of filtered water. The feature I like most is that is filters out fluoride with the flouride filter. Thanks for the giveaway!
Would LOVE a Berkey! I’ve “drooled” over them for years! I love that it’s portable and long lasting!
I love the fact that Berkeys can travel easily with you!
Love your blog!
I’d love to win this! We have one Life Straw for $20 that we have and have been talking about getting more or another. We could use this for emergencies or camping or a backup for travel trips! How cool! I’m so glad to know about this!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this water filter. I heard good things about it. I’ve been looking to buy one.
I’d love to win this! We have one Life Straw for $20 that we have and have been talking about getting more or another. We could use this for emergencies or camping or a backup for travel trips! How cool! I’m so glad to know about this! My favorite feature is the portability!
I have arsenic in my water. 🙁 I like how the filter doesn’t remove all minerals.
I have 4 kids & am always worried about what’s in the city water. Especially when the water smells ‘off’ when you first turn it on. It just doesn’t smell right.
I would love a Berkey!!! There’s nothing like having fresh filtered water!
My water company recently started adding chloramines to the water. After looking at the Berkey’s test results, it appears that it can removes chloramines. The fluoride filter would be nice to have too.
Berkey Water Filters Purify Both Treated and UntreatedWater
I clicked the link and watched the video. LOVE how well this would clean up my water from all the nasty junk! Thanks for the giveaway!
Would love to have one of these. Seems the best available at this price point.
Oops, didn’t answer all your questions…best feature would be that it does a much more thorough job of cleaning up the water than other filters out there.
We don’t have a water filter system…just the one in the fridge…would love to win this! I like that the Each Berkey Water filter will last up to 3000 gallons!
I have always wanted a Berkey, I love how portable they are!
Love that it can even be used on untreated raw water! My family needs one of these for our yucky city tap water!
I’m exhausted taking my 5 gal containers every week to have them filled w/ Reverse Osmosis water which is not optimal. In addition, I make water kefir which can not use R.O. water; therefore, I have to buy my kefir grains gallon cases of spring water to keep them happy. I’m a WAP member and see that many of us have the big berkey or the royal. We are saving up for this exact model (the royal) so needless to say, I’d love to win it.
I would love to win this filter because I have very hard water where I live. I like to know that with the Berkey Water Filter I’ll be drinking clean fresh water with all the minerals my body needs. Great giveaway!
can’t afford one, would be so useful.
I really liked being able to remove the fluoride for healthy water for my family in an affordable, easy, long-lasting system.
I love how simply and well it works. I also love the ability to filter fluoride!
I would LOVE to win one of these!
i want one to filter water in case of emergency, i like that it can treat raw water
I would love to have this… I can’t afford one right now and have always wanted this for my family for better health!
I would love to have the Berkey water system for several reasons. Firstly, I live in NC, and our water is in the bottom two for cleanliness in the COUNTRY. Yes, that’s right. Even with our in-counter sink filter, there are likely many things getting through. I especially love that it filters out pathogens, with the option to add a fluoride filter. With our limited budget, the likelihood of us getting such a great system is almost nil. I would be most blessed to win this filter, and my and family and I would thank you profusely!
Clicked the link.
I’d love a Royal Berkey to provide clean and fluoride free water for my family. We have city water that tastes like chlorine and I know they add fluoride to it. It would be wonderful to know our water is free of all those toxins.
I would LOVE to win this. There is no way my budget (or my husband) would ever allow me to buy one!
I would love to win this!!
I would love to win, our family could sure use it. Even our pets don’t like the tap water here.
I love the long life and the fact that it has a filter for flouride.
I was so excited to see this as a giveaway item! I really need this system & will be looking into which is best for my family.
We are saving up for a big berkey now!! We just bought the shower filter! Cant wait to get it!
This is a great giveaway! Amazing how many people are using these. My niece says this is the best way to filter water and that we should invest in one.
I would love a Berkey Water Filter for our well water! Our water is very hard and I don’t know what’s in it! I think this would make it better.
Really would like to add this to our healthy living…cutting out chlorine and fluoride would be awesome!
I feel like I have aged 12 years in the last 3. Trying to eat clean and remove all irritants from my life. Searching for what is irritating my body. Maybe this would be a key – would love to try a home filtration system. Pick me!! Pick me!!
Thank you for all you do.
Darla Sanders
I’ve been wanting one of these for a while now! They’re just out if our budget. It would be so awesome if we win one!
I love how it filters more than other filters do.
Checked out the website, going to order some fluoride filters right now! Would love to win the Royal Berkey!
Clicked the link. The water around here is nasty. So very hard. City water is “better,” yet not. 😛 I would love to use one of these for our every day drinking water!
I live in a town here our water is routinely placed n boil order notice. I am expecting a child and really need this system to keep my family healthy!! It really looks amazing!!
I currently drive 50 miles to get some aquiline water so would love to win this & be happy to have good filtered water instead.
Thanks for the opporuninty!!!
love your site
Clicked the link. I would love to win a Berkey filtration system because they are top-notch at what they do. They don’t require electricity and are portable. I know that pathogenic bacteria isn’t going to get past these filters. We just had an e coli scare at a private water company. Thankfully we didn’t fall within the boundaries, but it was unsure for over an hour while we tried to get info. I love that I can trust the filtration system.
I would love a Berkey water filter so I can provide pure water to my children without the harmful chemicals. I love that there is an option for a fluoride filter! That stuff is nasty!
great giveaway!
I would love to have one of these so that I know I am drinking clean water!!
I have literally wanted of these for years. even before we moved into our house, I wanted one because of the water quality in town. Now we have a well that isn’t good, and it would be great. I never could afford one, every time I thought I might be able to finally get one, something would come up. This would be so great. Thanks for doing this
I would love to stop having to refill plastic bottles at the grocery store…and the filters last for a really long time! Much greener than my current routine…
My children go camping a lot – the Berkey is so versatile, I would never have to worry about them while they were near a water source. This is why I would love to win one!
Clicked! Our brita just died and it is time for an upgrade, especially now that Little Man is drinking more and more water. Thanks for the opportunity!
Oh, I know all about the Burkey! But I did go to their site as asked 😉 I’m SO excited about this give-away, I’ve wanted one for years now and it would save me a ton of trouble hauling cases of glass jugs to the water machine then having to re-mineralize the scrubbed water!!! My hubby used to work as a chemist for the water quality dept in Austin so we know just how important filtered water is in this city. Sad isn’t it!? We pay all that money for “clean” water here but it’s still not safe to drink or bathe in 🙁
Oh, I have been wanting a Berkey for some time now! I would be thrilled to know that my family and I are drinking flouride, chlorine and a host of other chemical-free water! It would be a huge blessing! Thank you. <3
I clicked the link. I’ve wanted a Berkey water filter for a long time.
We bought a Berkey years ago and love it. Unfortunately, the bulletproof plastic tank leaked at the seams after a few years and isn’t covered by the warranty. I haven’t been able to replace it yet. They are wonderful and I would love to have another one!!
I purify my drinking water with a brita pitcher (plastic…great. 😛 ), but would love to be able to purify water for cooking as well as drinking and get the fluoride out!
I got the small sports bottle, because I would love to know that the water my babies are drinking is safe and clean when we go to visit family in Mexico. Now I need a big one to keep at home so that the city water my family drinks and cook with is pure.
love berkey ….floride in our city water…need the floride filters to have clean fresh water.,
I would like to reduce the amount of chemicals and harmful substances my family puts into our bodies.
I love how long it lasts. I would definitely get the fluoride filter. Our city doesn’t add fluoride, but you never know. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!
Would love to have one!
I clicked on the link and visited the site. The long lasting filters! Thanks!
I would love, love, love to win one of these!
Love that it gets rid of pathogens!
I would love to know that the water I drink is completely purified. I am allergic to so many things that it has to be. I know my current snap on sink filter can’t purify to this extent.
Thanks for the giveaway! This is on the top of my list of things to save up and purchase.
I clicked the link, and I love that it filters out chlorine which other filters don’t!
I’d love this water filter! I’ve been hoping there’d be a giveaway for this some time because we can’t afford this type of filtration at the moment.
would love to win a Berkey to share with our kids. Their town water has a high chlorine taste and they are spending a TON of money on bottled water! This would help them tremendously.
I love the taste of the water that comes out of the Berkey!
Wow! What a giveaway! This would be so amazing to have as we refill gallon size water bottles almost weekly & the Berkley filter system is FAR better! Awesome!
Love so many things, hard to say one. But maybe that it’s stainless steel and a workhorse! I’ve dreamed of having on of these for a while now.
These Berkey filters look awesome!
Visited the Berky webpage and wow, I was so impressed!
The comparison chart with all the other water systems, Berky wins hands down.
The life of the filter is REALLY impressive as well.
I would love to be able to offer this system and it’s pure, clean water to my family and friends.
Thanks so much for the giveaway. 🙂
I’ve been looking at these for awhile now. I need to get a water filter because I think there’s something in our well water that is causing IBS for me.
Hi –
This is a great product. We need filtration of our water here in Nebraska, it’s quite dirty!
This product has been on my wish list for some time now. After researching different types of filters I believe this is a great product, just not within my financial reach at this time. Am aware that holds true for more than myself though ….so good luck to all !
I love these filters. Big fan of the fact that you don’t have to add minerals back in like with Reverse Osmosis.
I would love the peace of mind knowing my water is clean.
I grew up with a berkey and now that I have my own family would love to trust the water I give them. Our city is always falling right on the ‘ok’ line when they send out tox. reports and it makes me SO nervous! Berkey’s ability to make any water safe is a real comfort.
Trying to get the rafflecopter to see my comment (posted above).
I like that the filters last so long and that they are portable.
Oh to have one of these!! There are too many reasons why I’d love one, to list, above all, healthier water for my family!!
Love the long lasting filter. I am also impressed that the cost is not bad at all.
My family wants this. !!!
I have wanted one for years & just can’t afford it…
I have a small Go Berky. Its great! The stainless steel container and charcoal filter is easy and efficient to use. Ive been dreaming of the day I could buy a big berky! I also have the berky personal water bottle that I take to work each day. Oh and I have a berky shower head too.
Would love to win this one!
This looks like one of the best water filtration systems. I love that you can remove fluoride from water with this product. Thanks for the chance to win!
The Berkey has been on my wish list for some time now. I most want one to cut down on the fluoride my family is exposed to.
This would be such a lifesaver, we are on nasty well water. Have a water softener to take out most of the iron, but still not nice to drink.
Crystal clear fresh tasting water from Berkey; I can’t wait!
I wanted to mention that I did click the link and love that it takes out all the undesirables without also taking out the minerals that your body needs.
I would love the Berkey because it has a high output and filters out all of the impurities! Great to have for an emergency!
The Royal Berkey Water Filter has been on my Wish List for some time. I visited their web site and was impressed with how many gallons of water one filter will purify and how long the filter will last. We currently have a one gallon Brita pitcher. The Berkey would cut our refilling the Brita in half. It is a good looking product and stainless steel is definitely preferred!
I would love to win this! It’s so hard to get good drinking water… anywhere!
We live in an area with a lot of natural fluoride and I would love to have a way to be able to filter all that out for my family. I am so in love with the Berkey’s I would really love to win one for my home.
I am so excited about this giveaway! I love your blog and I have learned so much!
I would love to win this one in particular because I have been spending lots of money on purchasing a great filtered water for my family to drink… it gets expensive especially being pregnant with #2 and having such hot weather here in New Orleans. Looking forward to you announcing a winner!!!
Wow, what a filter!! I absolutely LOVE the fact that you can filter out fluoride (with a special filter). That alone sells me!
I have one Berkey and it is small to take camping. Would love to have a larger one for my home. GRRRRRRRRReat tasting water is soooooooooo wonderful!!
Our water is both flourinated and chlorinated, and with multiple health issues, I know that’s not very good for me! I currently buy spring water each month for drinking water, but still use unfiltered water for cooking veggies and for soaking grains, etc. It is so expensive to get a good filter – we just can’t afford it right now on top of medical bills. I would LOVE to have a Berkely. I hope to win! 🙂
Having one of these would be a blessing!
I love that it removes chlorine, fluoride and arsenic!
Berkey water filters are the best of the best; it can remove arsenic! Would love to win this!
I like that it doesn’t need electricity and is portable.
yay thanks!
I would love to win this for my daughter in college. She needs to drink more water but the water on campus tastes and smells bad!
I like my Zero Water but Berkey is the one that it most recommended. If I won I could compare and decide for myself! 🙂
We have had a Big Berkey for many years and love it. It is definitely time to replace the filters so I would love to win.
I would love to win this Berkey system because I just started researching water quality and I’d love to improve my family’s water intake by removing chlorine and other junk.
I would love a Berkey so I know what I’m serving my family is the best every time! No guessing.
Moving to fresno ca where they have awful water, excited to win this so my family can continue to drink our favorite beverage water!
I went the the Berkey website and watched the video. It looks like a great product. If I don’t win one I will certainly figure out how to budget for one. When TSHTF these things will be gold!!
I clicked the link, & my favorite feature is that it can have fluoride filters!!! This is sooo important, especially since I have a little girl who is under the age of 2. We would love to win this water filter, so that the family could cook with, & drink, clean water!
This would be the perfect addition to our home…and perfect timing too, as we are about to have our first baby!
I clicked on the link!! I love all the features & how fast it can filter so we can have clean drinking water right away!! I’d love to win this, my family would benefit from it greatly, thanks for the opportunity:)
This would be a perfect and much needed addition to our emergency kit. I Love that it’s portable and can be used with all water.
I love that the Berkey is portable and does not require power to operate. If I had one I could use it in the house and then take it with us in the motorhome when we travel. What a great system!
I want water that I don’t worry about.
I was not familiar with the Berkley products before reading the information on their site. It really seems awesome. I have four adults and one toddler in my household and currently we have a monthly water delivery system. It works well, but this sounds like it lasts a super long time, without all the 5-gallon jugs to lift – and is much better for the environment. These just seem awesome!
Our family would love to have this filter! Not only for everyday use, but in case we need it for emergency water purification! I know several people who have this and love it!
I like the ease of use and the added filter for the floride.
I would love to have one of these to filter out the flouride for my family.
I never knew about the Royal Berkey water filter system until now. It’s made by an American company, stainless and wastes no water- everything I look for in a water filter. Wonderful that it has an added chlorine filter too. Great quality product- the winner of this giveaway will be blessed!
Hoping to win and improve the quality of my family’s drinking water!
I visited the Berkey site. I’ve also been there before, dreaming about owning one. 🙂
The Royal Berkey water filtration system is an awesome investment! One day I WILL have one! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I have wanted one of these for soooooo long…
what an incredible giveaway! I’ve only heard great feedback about their products and would love to use this in my own home. Thank you!
…and I clicked on the link 🙂
I’m mostly excited about the comprehensive list of unwanted compounds that are filtered out of water!
I have wanted a filtration system for quite some time.. even before this contest.. in doing research on different types and brands.. the Berkey has been on the top of my list!! I NEED one!!
clicked on the link above and love the fact it can remove fluoride from water!
this would be the perfect Christmas gift for me!!
Would love to have one of these.
filtered water is so important… especially when you are being so careful about everything else you put into your body! Water is key to the whole system!
I’d love to have one of these, they’re so expensive. I’m trying to see how much we spend on bottled water a year and if it would end up covering the cost, but if I won one, that’d be even better!!!
Whether I win or not I’ll be getting one of these eventually.
I love how long the filters last and also the capacity of the royal!
I love the quality of the Berkey. I feel over all the Berkey is one of the best choices for filtration. The filters last long so there is not a constant replacing of them. I would love to when this so we can stop drinking my fluoridated and clorinated city water.
I have the travel size one I bought to take on vacation. Now it sits on my counter at home and we use it every day. A bigger one would be fantastic. I went to the website and checked out their products. Love your blog!
Thanks, Becky
I need this. We have well water that he city puts nasty chemicals in
This would be an amazing system to gave
Thank you for thus awesome giveaway!!!
Have always wanted one of these. They are amazing, and love the idea of always having safe drinking water.
would love this, especially since it’s counter top so u can take it along easily…i’ve been saving for it for a year now.
I have heard nothing but high praise for the Berkey water filters!
Great giveaway, thank you!
Can’t wait to own a Berkey someday and finally have pure water!
I clicked the link above – I would want to win a Berkey because I know how important it is to have pure water and my favorite feature is that it can take the fluoride out!
I like how long the filters last and that they filter out all the bad stuff. would love to have one for my family
Flouride has become a serious concern to me recently. Would absolutely love to win this for my family
Just this week our city issued a boil water order due to a problem at the water treatment plant :{ We NEED a Berkey water filter !!
Awesome giveaway! I would love to have this we have terrible well water… this would be wonderful!
Awesome giveaway! I would love to have this…. we have terrible well water… this would be wonderful!
I would love to win one of these filters for my home. I am not happy about all of the additives in my water. Thank you!
Thank you for the giveaway! I would LOVE to win one of these filters! I have really bad chlorine in my water, and also have worries about the fluoride. This would be greatly appreciated in my household!
been saving up to get one of these. I cannot wait! I hope I win, then I can buy something else!……….lol
I love that these filters provide an affordable long-term option for people to improve their drinking water quality! 🙂
I checked out the site and ewww!, all the things they filter are gross. I think I need one!
I have always wanted one but cannot afford one….
I would love one of these!!!!!
Someday my dreams of owning one of these babies will come true whether I win or not!!! Sigh!
Sharing a well with 4 other houses, I could really use a new water filter.
As soon as I learned about these I wanted one. How awesome to get such great filtered water!
I would love to have one of these — have heard great things about this water filter system.
Confirmation: Welcome Alex Jones and GCN Radio Listeners!!
We recently bought an old house and the water system is a cistern. This would truly help as we try to get the house livable.
I would LOVE to win this. I hate drinking water that I know is bad for me but don’t have a choice at the moment. Would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win this!!!
Great information and selection on Berkey’s website. I think it’s great that they have filters that will also remove fluoride and arsenic. What a wonderful giveaway of a wonderful product! Thanks!
I would LOVE to win this to help keep my family healthy! I have heard Berkley is one of the best!
I can tell that the hard water where I live is really a health hazard. I’ve noticed so many different things change with my health since moving here from my dry ends to suddenly getting 4 cavities after never having cavities before (living in a different state). I would LOVE to win this! Also, I clicked the link. I’m not sure how this works, but I hope it shows that I did! Awesome giveaway 🙂
Our water supply has SO much fluoride and chlorine in it! I love the idea of having a top of the line filter that will make our water more safe to drink, cook with, and bathe in. THANKS for this opportunity!
Ive always heard it was the best after watching the video i now know it is, i want to win to give it to my son and family for christmas. The water is so bad in their town they have signs posted.He has a 2 yr old and a new 2 mo. They really need it. Thank you if I dont win congrats to the lucky person! Thank you homemadmommy!
Our family drinks little else but water. We really believe it is important to good health, would love to have a Berkley!
I want to win the Berkey for an economical, earth-friendly, pro-preparedness source of healthy, filtered water. I particularly like the filtration of things still left in city water, such as fluoride.
Wow, Berkey is very cool! Would love to get some of the obvious iron out of our water. Thanks!
I’ve never seen a filter system like this, thanks for sharing!
I love that it takes out all the bad and keeps in the good, and that it doesn’t need electricity! (Very important in hurricane prone areas)
I am in desperate need of a water filter and funds are limited so I would love to win one!!
I’d love to win this! We’ve been needing a good water filter for ages but could never afford one!
I would love to have this Berkey water filter system to have the purest water!
I’d love to have this filter system.
Yes, after checking out the Big Berkey Water Filter on their website, I would truly love to own one for my own home! We drink water almost exclusively in our home, and I feel it is extremely important to have a freshly filtered source.
Love that it can filter fluoride too!
Every family should have a Berkey in their kitchen. Every child should be drinking real water free of toxins and garbage. Period.
What an amazing product (and giveaway)! Fingers crossed…
Would love to know that my family is drinking water that is safe and free of all the toxins and chemicals that our tap water contains!
The affordability is AWESOME!!!
I want to win because it can filter fluoride and I think that is the best feature.
I have wanted one of these for a long time.
Great giveaway, thanks!
This has been on our wish lots for years! Now that we are in The city again, it would be a blessing to win this giveaway.
I would love to have a Berkey to have clean drinking water for my family.
Yay, hope I win!!!
I need a water filter.I would love this one!
always wanted one of these!
I would love a Burkey, my husband and I are in the process of buying our very first home and want to install a water filtration system. We have heard great things about Burkey. I would love to surprise my husband with one when he returns from another long deployment in Afghanistan. What a wonderful belated Christmas/Birthday/New Years/Valentines day/Anniversary etc..etc… gift that would be after being away for so long. 🙂 Thanks for the offer. -M
I like that it’s Non-BPA & needs no electricity, for I’ve been w/out power in a tornado!
I love the long lasting filter, that it removes chlorine, fluoride reduction and will not remove the minerals we need. I have a cheapie filter I’d like to replace
like the concept of gravity filtration
I have been wanting one of these for so long. We have a fairly decent filter now, but does not remove or reduce fluoride, so I constantly bring water home from my mothers to use as drinking water.
I would love to win one of these to finally get clean, pure water! The feature I like is that it isn’t totally ugly.
I would love a Berkey filter!!! I love that it filters out all the bad stuff, but leaves in the minerals that our body needs. Eventually, I would like to get a full-house filter…but a drinking water filter is a good place to start.
I would love to have one to provide clean water to my family and pets. I love that the filters last so long!
I clicked the link and checked it out. I’d LOVE to win this! We’re about to move into a new house, and it would make a great housewarming gift for my family and me to win it. Good water for good health, what’s not to love?
I would love to be able to get the fluoride out of my family’s drinking water!
I hope to win the Royal Berkey Water Filter System!
Visited the site. Our water is provided by a small independent company that doesn’t get the best reviews from the state. Their product sounds like we could actually start using the water here for more than bathing and watering the yard and garden.
we need one of these!
I’ve had my eyes on a Berkey for a loooong time.
Would love one. Esp since we moved city water!
moved *to city water
I clicked on the link. The long filter life is very attractive!
Can’t afford to shell out for one up front so stuck buying purified water because we don’t like to drink the well water. I like how easy it is to put it together.
I love the idea of the added fluoride filter! This looks like an amazing filter!
Live in the country and need clean well water would love to win this cause sure couldn’t get one on a fixed income
I would love this to provide the cleanest water to the children I care for at my home daycare.
It does not require electricity!
I would LOVE to own a Berkey! The large capacity of 2.25 gal and the clean stainless steel would make this an awesome addition to our home!
I like how long the filters last 🙂
Hoping to win! I would like to stop buying spring water….
Visited the link! This system looks amazing! We currently live in base housing (husband is in the military) and have very nasty water we have a filtration statement but the water quality is still very poor! I love that this will ensure our water is compleatly save and I can add a Flourid filter woohoo!! Also the filters last a long time which is awesome!
Love this unit, the fact it filtrates fluoride is a great plus compare to others.
Great system!
It seems like the gold standard–long filter life, gravity/non-electric, portable, effective! Sounds fabulous.
Not only do I want the fluoride out of my water, now we have to filter out the brain eating amoebas (not exaggerating)! I would love to win this . . . been oggling them.
I really want to get the nasty chemicals OUT of my drinking & cooking water!
I would love to win because clean, safe water is important to our family but these are a bit out of our price range. I love that they filter out so much, that you can also filter out fluoride and that water retains its beneficial mineral content.
I clicked! I’ve wanted one of these for quite awhile. Not only is it the unlimited survivalist tool, it filters out fluoride, which almost nor happens! Thanks or the giveaway!
I love this system and have been wanting one for years. It is so important to have filtered water to remove the chlorine and flouride! I love that you can take this system anywhere and if the power is out no worries !
I’d love to win this for security and safety of drinking water for our family. Buying RO water can get really expensive! Thanks!
Great giveaway! Thanks!
I checked out the link for the water filtration system and would absolutely come apart if I actually won this raffle!! I have two little girls and have been trying to make the most health conscious decision s for them that I can. One thing that has been weighing on my mind is all the chlorine and fluoride etc in our city water. Water is obviously a staple in a healthy lifestyle and healthy water is hard to come by… I sure hope I win this for my girls!
I would love to win this!!
Yay! A giveaway for something I don’t already have & really want! I love that it can filter out fluoride.
Wow this would a good thing to have! It would be great item to win!
We are getting ready to move and although we will have well water we will also be very near fields that I’m sure the farmers spray with pesticides. Need to make sure that gets filtered out of our water!
Would love to win this for my daughter who has moved out of our house. We absolutely LOVE ours!
I love that it lasts so long! That is my number one issue with filters… I forget to buy replacements! This Berkey will give me a much longer time to have clean water.
Looks like just the thing to have!
I watched the video. I love the way the Berkey cleaned even the stagnant water. I would be so excited to give this system a home right on my kitchen counter.
Gosh this would be so wonderful to win for my family of five! We have a lot of problems with our teeth and we’re learning it’s from fluoride in our water. That feature is what I would love the most but just knowing we have real, clean water would make me so happy! Good luck to everyone 🙂
Would love, love to win one. My hubby would not let me spend that much for the filter.
Our well is contaminated from a local dry cleaner and the state installed a filtration system in our basement. I have recently received notice that due to budget cuts they will no longer be servicing it. I’ll be paying to do so (after I take it to the town and state) but an additional filtration method would let me sleep better at night. Great giveaway!
I would love to win a Berkeley filter! We have flouride in our water and I love that this filter can remove it!
We have horrible water on our rental, would love this!
Ugh, I just moved to an area with terrible smelly water. It even turns red once a month from the iron in the area and I’m afraid to drink it. Yuck! A filter would stop me from wincing every time I turn on the faucet.
I’ve been wanting this water filter system for a long time! It will make a huge difference in our water intake!
This is definitely at the top of our home improvement list! One day for sure!
I’m tired of the water quality issues and lies! I just want to be able to drink clean water. Brilliant.
Our water does not taste good(especially ice), so this would be super fabulous.
I have been wanting a Berkey for so long! I have so many friends that love theirs and I would love to have one too.
Would love to win this filtration system. Hands down, the best!
Would love to have this in my home for myself & 5 grands!!
I would love to win a filtration system. I would not have to worry about the water my family drinks and uses daily!
This would be amazing to win for my family! It is our next step toward a non-toxic home.
Would love one of these! Our water is so hard – hate to think about what’s really in there :-z
Oops, forgot to say the feature I love the most is the great filtration and truly trusting that the water you drink is safe.
Removes fluoride!! 🙂
I grew up with natural spring water right from the backyard. Now my son and I drink town water and I’m positive our little filter doesn’t get the job done. We need a Berkey!
I love that it doesnt require electricity .. perfect for when SHTF!
Great Filtration!
This sounds like an excellent product. I’ve been looking at different filter systems hoping to find one which actually removes flouride from water.
Thanks for doing this.
Want one! Need one. I would like to drink more water without wondering about the extra chemicals I’m ingesting and I want to see how much better my coffee would taste with filtered water 🙂
I clicked the link! I love that this filter uses no electricity AND you can use it with treated or untreated water.
i went to their website. i would love to have this filter–we have city water and i just haven’t been able to save to purchase a water filtration system but know how important it is!
I would love to win this filtration system. We have well water.
I would love love love to win this!!!
Just had a 2-day boil water notice in my town. The worst part was, the problem occurred over Labor Day weekend, and the city wasn’t entirely sure of when the water
“went bad.” Would LOVE to have this filter!
I would really LOVE to win this Berkey water filter, I have 3 kids under 5 years and I want them to drink healthy, clean and fresh water, I do my own Kombucha and have my tibicos, and this would be an awesome add to my kitchen, another thing is I love to take care of the enviroment and with this filter I would stop buying water bottles 🙂
Awesome! I will jump on it right away. It will be fantastic to have one of these.
Thank you so much, I really want one 🙂
My mother in law’s tap water is just awful….I’d love to give this to her.
I’ve been wanting one of these. Would love to win.
I would love to win this filter! We are on such a tight budget while we are preparing to be missionaries and this filter could really be used! We’ve often talked about how badly we would love to have one of these! Thank you so much for the chance to enter!
I would love to have this in our home for our family!
Oh we need one of these bad boys!
i would dearly love love love to win this. i cannot afford one as i am chronically ill and disabled. Clean water is a must for me. This would help so much! Thx for the opportunity.
i l ive near hanford which routinely leaks in our waters.
Clicked on the link. I have been wanting one but I cannot afford it. Yet I am spending so much on bottled water each week! I love that I can add a fluoride filter!
I would REALLY love a Berkey water filter for my family; thanks so much for the opportunity to win one!
Forgot to add that the feature I think I like the most is the added fluoride filter. 🙂
Would love to win this!! I have a little one at home and know how important it is to have good water for her. I like that the filters last so long. Hope I win!!
I love the sleek look of the stainless Berkey system. I also love that it filters out so much of the bad stuff in my city water and I wouldn’t have to boil my water for a lot of things I make. Thank you for giving this away-that is going to be pretty awesome for someone!
I would love to win this for my family! These filters are so impressive and I like that you can get the additional flouride filters.
I would love to have the option of filtering out the fluoride!
Bring on the clean water.
Would love to have one! Thanks for this chance!
I’ve had 2 brita filters break on me in the last year- I need a quality filtration system!
Would love to win this! I’ve been wanting one for months!
Love the Berkey!
I love that they address removing flouride and impressed that so many wonderful organizations use their product. I could not afford to buy this but if I could I would…..I have two girls and this is a necessity as far as I am concerned!
I love how this filter makes city water safe!
I’ ve always wanted one of these! I have 5 young children who drink lots of water. That means I am constantly worried about water quality. Buying bottled water isn’t necessarily a better option and the environmental impact from our family alone is HUGE when we buy small bottles. I REALLY wish we could afford to buy a Berkey! Fingers crossed one day my family of 7 will have one 🙂
What an awesome giveaway…I am excited to see who wins. This would be great for our family…we are a large family of 9 so this would be a great size for us!
The link wouldn’t pop up for me, so I thought I’d just share one of the many reasons I want one of theses oh so bad. Just the Fact that it rids water of lead is amazing! I just got done reading an article about how even if you buy a lead free faucet it still can contain a certain amount of lead, because once again there is no one out there monitoring these kinds of things, and me wanting a big Family Either being pregnant or nursing at all times water is a very very big part of my everyday.
so if I win I would be ever so grateful:)
I don’t have a water filter at home. I’d love to have one because I want my kids to have pure water and I worry about the cumulative effects of chemicals in treated water.
What a great item for a giveaway! I’ve read some good info on their fluoride filter and that is a big concern for me.
I’d love for my whole family to be drinking cleaner water. The Berkey looks awesome!
I want a water filter that I know I can trust to protect my family’s health. I learned that the Berkey water filter is used in some many countries by relief organizations. I am so impressed by that. You know it has to be good. My favorite thing about it is that it doesn’t require electricity and that it’s portable. That’s reassuring in these times of unexpected storms, floods, hurricanes, etc.
Thanks for offering this giveaway. I know whoever wins will really appreciate it.
I SO want one of these for the fluoride nastiness in my water. Thanks!